[u-a-dev] [Bug 81183] Re: gnome-speech: Please review/upload this package.

Jonathan Duddington jonsd at jsd.clara.co.uk
Wed Jan 24 11:24:31 GMT 2007

In article <20070124102838.783.7611.malone at gandwana.ubuntu.com>,
   Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I have the package prepared since a few hours after its release:
> we're waiting on espeak to be promoted to main. There's also the
> issue that espeak didn't build on amd64 and ia64 - if somebody wants
> to figure out why that'd be great.

The problem with compiling eSpeak on amd64/ia64 was trivial.  I don't
have a 64_bit system to test it here, but if anyone wants to try, the
fixed code is in version 1.18.03 at:

There have been problems with eSpeak on PPC.  There seems to be just
one bug remaining, which I have been investigating with Luke Yelavich
on his PPC system.  Hopefully that should be fixed by tomorrow at which
time I will release eSpeak version 1.19 which should be suitable for
Ububtu main.

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