[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] geoclue 0.12.99-3ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 26 15:29:14 UTC 2014

geoclue (0.12.99-3ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
    - Don't build-depend on ofono, it's not in main (yet?).
    - Don't have geoclue recommend specific providers.
    - Fix build with gpsd >= 3.1.
    - Don't fail on resume if position / address providers are already
      inited when we try to prepare interfaces.
    - Pay attention to providers that don't claim to be cacheable; this
      fixes reliability issues with indicator-datetime.
    - Use dh-autoreconf to update libtool macros for new ports.  This also
      requires build-depending on gtk-doc-tools.

geoclue (0.12.99-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * [cf5a5bd4] debian/control: Add Multi-Arch: same for libgeoclue0 package
  * [df11e930] debian/control: Use canonical URL for the Vcs-* fields
  * [b6eda579] Always update autotools helper files during build
  * [52761c89] debian/gbp.conf: Set tarball-dir and export-dir

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:15:39 +0000
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team <ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:15:39 +0000
Source: geoclue
Binary: geoclue libgeoclue0 libgeoclue-dev geoclue-manual geoclue-hostip geoclue-plazes geoclue-geonames geoclue-gsmloc geoclue-localnet geoclue-skyhook geoclue-yahoo geoclue-nominatim geoclue-examples
Architecture: source
Version: 0.12.99-3ubuntu1
Distribution: trusty
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team <ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
 geoclue    - Geographic information framework
 geoclue-examples - GeoClue example clients
 geoclue-geonames - Geocoder provider for GeoClue (geonames)
 geoclue-gsmloc - Position server for GeoClue (GSM)
 geoclue-hostip - Position server for GeoClue (hostip)
 geoclue-localnet - Position server for GeoClue (local network)
 geoclue-manual - Position server for GeoClue (manual)
 geoclue-nominatim - Geocoding and reverse-geocoding server for GeoClue (Nominatim)
 geoclue-plazes - Position server for GeoClue (Plazes)
 geoclue-skyhook - Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Skyhook)
 geoclue-yahoo - Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Yahoo)
 libgeoclue-dev - C API for GeoClue (development files)
 libgeoclue0 - C API for GeoClue
 geoclue (0.12.99-3ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
     - Don't build-depend on ofono, it's not in main (yet?).
     - Don't have geoclue recommend specific providers.
     - Fix build with gpsd >= 3.1.
     - Don't fail on resume if position / address providers are already
       inited when we try to prepare interfaces.
     - Pay attention to providers that don't claim to be cacheable; this
       fixes reliability issues with indicator-datetime.
     - Use dh-autoreconf to update libtool macros for new ports.  This also
       requires build-depending on gtk-doc-tools.
 geoclue (0.12.99-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * [cf5a5bd4] debian/control: Add Multi-Arch: same for libgeoclue0 package
   * [df11e930] debian/control: Use canonical URL for the Vcs-* fields
   * [b6eda579] Always update autotools helper files during build
   * [52761c89] debian/gbp.conf: Set tarball-dir and export-dir
 b79763329dcbcc78e200e84a37c446fb07956431 3016 geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.dsc
 8bd48bbec85424c07d9bf6ce2bf48e3e4348a2af 11232 geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 f3bc51cfcb9aca239cd748f84e215165d93795461464ca508a2b469c79fd5c9a 3016 geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.dsc
 094a1c31cb13e4e45d8d83d50f9c6731e9c47e39e60d7c54375dab82f3c81ccc 11232 geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 6be008f376c8dbe1f02cb8d226dc0d48 3016 utils optional geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.dsc
 0ebc0d7fbcc1f2ab86384d83aecc3f7b 11232 utils optional geoclue_0.12.99-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Laurent Bigonville <bigon at debian.org>

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