[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] unity-system-compositor 0.0.2+14.04.20140311.1-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Ubuntu Archive Robot cjwatson+ubuntu-archive-robot at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Tue Mar 11 08:10:10 UTC 2014

unity-system-compositor (0.0.2+14.04.20140311.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low

  [ Robert Ancell ]
  * Install LightDM configuration into /usr/share so it's not kept
    around by dpkg

  [ CI bot ]
  * Add an optional delay when powering off screen. Add an option
    (power-off-delay, defaulted to 0) to delay stopping the compositor
    and powering off the screen to allow the shell to present a shutdown
    animation; without delay, the shell and-or greeter will get blocked
    while trying to render such animation; this is due to the compositor
    stopping as USC receives the power state change before the shell.
    This is mostly a workaround as ideally, the greeter and-or shell
    should coordinate when to shutdown the screen after they are given a
    chance to possibly show a shutdown animation. fixes: lp: #1233564
    (LP: #1233564)

  [ Michael Terry ]
  * Make sure that the active session has focus when multiple sessions
    are opened.

Date: 2014-03-11 03:40:11.688656+00:00
Changed-By: PS Jenkins bot <ps-jenkins at lists.canonical.com>
Signed-By: Ubuntu Archive Robot <cjwatson+ubuntu-archive-robot at chiark.greenend.org.uk>
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