[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] driconf 0.9.1-4 (Accepted)

Vincent Cheng vcheng at debian.org
Wed Jan 22 21:44:05 UTC 2014

driconf (0.9.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Adopt package. (Closes: #721967)
  * Use source format "3.0 (quilt).
  * Split patch into multiple small patchsets with DEP-3 headers.
  * Include Italian translation. (Closes: #472179)
  * Switch from cdbs to short-style dh debian/rules.
  * Remove dependencies on obsolete packages: xbase-clients, xlibmesa-gl.
    - Replace with dependency on x11-utils.
  * Add build-dep on python-dev. (Closes: #406727)
  * Add HardwareSettings to categories for desktop launcher. (Closes: #444626)
  * Add Homepage field to debian/control. (Closes: #615284, LP: #822483)
  * Add missing Vcs-* fields.
  * Update Standards version to 3.9.5.
  * Update dh compat level from 4 to 9.
  * Update debian/copyright to DEP-5/copyright format 1.0.
  * Add watch file.

Date: 2014-01-22 16:12:10.582121+00:00
Signed-By: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
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