[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] unity-control-center 14.04.3+14.04.20140410-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Ubuntu Archive Robot cjwatson+ubuntu-archive-robot at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Apr 10 15:39:40 UTC 2014

unity-control-center (14.04.3+14.04.20140410-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low

  [ Sebastien Bacher ]
  * shell: set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to Unity so the correct list of
    panels is included in the grid. The gnome-menus api respects
    OnlyShowIn, without that we end up missing most of the panels in
    other environment (e.g ubiquity). We can't change the .desktop keys
    since that would lead to wrong behaviour in e.g the Unity dash

Date: 2014-04-10 14:39:12.501657+00:00
Changed-By: PS Jenkins bot <ps-jenkins at lists.canonical.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop <ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Ubuntu Archive Robot <cjwatson+ubuntu-archive-robot at chiark.greenend.org.uk>
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