[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] libcommon-sense-perl 3.72-2 (Accepted)

Adam Conrad adconrad at 0c3.net
Fri Oct 18 19:04:52 UTC 2013

libcommon-sense-perl (3.72-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Team upload

  [ Axel Beckert ]
  * debian/copyright: Replace X-Email with Comment

  [ gregor herrmann ]
  * Ensure a runtime dependency on the same perl version used at build
    time. This also adds an upper bound, as opposed to the last upload,
    and should help to avoid failures like the one described in #722332.
    Thanks to Hagen Fuchs for the bug report. (Closes: #722332)
  * Add a source lintian override for a pkg-perl specific lintian
    debhelper test.

Date: 2013-09-11 16:15:47.079094+00:00
Signed-By: Adam Conrad <adconrad at 0c3.net>
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