<div style="line-height:1.7;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:arial">Hi Martin, all,<br><br>Thanks for your time and suggestions. We will prepare the actions asap and contact you via email. <br><br><div>--<br>Regards,<br>Jack Yu<br>NUDT<br></div><div id="divNeteaseMailCard"></div><br><pre><br>At 2013-02-19 06:20:24,"Martin Pitt" <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>Hello Jack, all,
>Jack Yu [2013-02-18 23:45 +0800]:
>> I'm Jack Yu from UbuntuKylin team. We are applying to be an official
>> recognition as a formal member of the Ubuntu family, commencing with
>> UbuntuKylin 13.04. I have added an review request in the Technical
>> Board agenda and you can find the detail of UbuntuKylin at
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin.
>Thanks for taking the (rather inconvenient for you) time to show up at
>today's Tech Board meeting and discuss some details! The discussion
>left a few things to clarify and change, please see the meeting log:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/13/February
>Can we follow up on this either by email or on the next meeting on
>March 4?
>Thank you!
>Martin Pitt | http://www.piware.de
>Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Developer (www.debian.org)
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