Kubuntu 24.04 LTS application for 3 years
Alex Murray
alex.murray at canonical.com
Tue Mar 12 20:34:37 UTC 2024
Hi folks,
With 3 +1 votes, the Technical Board members have voted in favour of the
3 years LTS request for Kubuntu 24.04 - as such, it is officially
approved now - congratulations!
I am not sure if the list of supported packages has been finalised yet
but as long as it is done before the release is made then that is fine.
On Tue, 2024-03-12 at 18:03:20 +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> +1 also from me on the Kubuntu 3 years LTS request
> Cheers,
> Sébastien Bacher
> Le 28/02/2024 à 12:18, Lukasz Zemczak a écrit :
>> Even though I would also like to see a better-defined set of packages
>> that the flavor is willing to support throughout the LTS, I do feel
>> like the Kubuntu team does continuously demonstrate that they're able
>> to provide support for all of its core components throughout previous
>> releases. With this in mind, I'm also +1 on Kubuntu as an LTS for
>> 24.04.
>> Cheers,
>> On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 11:58, Alex Murray <alex.murray at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> To avoid this languishing whilst waiting on the supported packageset to
>>> be clarified, I would like to proceed with having TB members vote on the
>>> proposal.
>>> From my side, the only outstanding issue is the supported packageset -
>>> otherwise the details outlined earlier in this thread regarding the
>>> support cycle and key contacts plus bug reporting guidelines etc all
>>> look appropriate (not to mention the track record of participation in
>>> previous LTSs as well as interim releases too).
>>> +1 from me for Kubuntu 24.04 to be designated an LTS with support for 3
>>> years (on the to-be-decided packageset).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> On Wed, 2024-02-14 at 01:00:35 -0700, Scarlett wrote:
>>>> Thank you Steve, that would be wonderful.
>>>> Alex, yes of course, once I have a clear set of packages, I will rewrite
>>>> this request with all the amendments. Thank you all for your help and
>>>> patience while I get reacclamated with the process.
>>>> Scarlett
>>>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2024, 11:40 PM Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at ubuntu.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:07:23AM +1030, Alex Murray wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 2024-02-12 at 01:16:35 -0700, Scarlett Moore wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for sending through the application for Kubuntu 24.04 LTS. The
>>>>>>>> listed points of contact look great - as does the support timeframe
>>>>> of 3
>>>>>>>> years. I notice you state the following two points
>>>>>>>> However the kubuntu packageset is more than just KDE - also it is not
>>>>>>>> clear to me which packages in the kubuntu packageset would be included
>>>>>>>> in this list - can you please be a bit more specific as to which
>>>>>>>> packages this would include?
>>>>>>> Kubuntu packageset would probably be a better set of words as to what
>>>>> we will
>>>>>>> support in the 3 years.
>>>>>> The current kubuntu packageset is quite large -
>>>>>> https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/packagesets/noble/kubuntu
>>>>>> Note, the kubuntu team does not have to commit to maintaining all of
>>>>>> these packages over the course of the LTS (particularly since a lot of
>>>>>> these are in other seeds etc).
>>>>>> I wonder if instead it would be more realistic to commit to those in the
>>>>>> supported seed for kubuntu:
>>>>>> https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/seeds/kubuntu.noble/supported
>>>>> Please bear in mind that the "supported" set gives a list of packages
>>>>> supported by the Kubuntu team but NOT part of the kubuntu image; because
>>>>> those are in a different seed. As I alluded in the TB meeting, what we
>>>>> really want here is "all packages seeded in any of the kubuntu seeds, plus
>>>>> their dependencies as determined by germinate, minus anything that is
>>>>> already supported by Canonical for Ubuntu".
>>>>> I will try to get something stood up this week that can report on what
>>>>> exactly that looks like, so that you can confirm what you intend to support
>>>>> (and also hopefully make it updateable so you can iterate if you identify
>>>>> stuff you no longer want to support).
>>>>> --
>>>>> Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
>>>>> Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
>>>>> Ubuntu Developer https://www.debian.org/
>>>>> slangasek at ubuntu.com vorlon at debian.org
>>> --
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