Call for vote: UbuntuKylin 24.04 LTS Qualification

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Jan 17 15:10:56 UTC 2024

Hey there,

Seems a reasonable request, +1 also from me!

Sébastien Bacher

Le 02/01/2024 à 06:07, Alex Murray a écrit :
> On Mon, 2023-12-18 at 11:24:22 +0800, handsome_feng wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The support plan is on the page now:
> With this in place I am satisfied that Ubuntu Kylin meets the criteria
> for a community flavour for 24.04 LTS and recommend that the TB approve
> their plan for a 3-year LTS period, and am calling for a vote by email
> from the TB on this.
> +1 from me to approve Ubuntu Kylin as a 3-year LTS for 24.04.
>> Regards,
>> handsome_feng

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