Core dev requirement for developer membership board seats?

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Wed Jan 15 14:41:21 UTC 2020

[Note that this email is public; I see no reason to keep it private. I'm
asking the current DMB and TB for advice, but I'm also interested in
hearing the opinions of other Ubuntu developers (ie. the electorate)]

I am preparing a call for nomimations for the developer membership board
as some members' terms have expired and others' are expiring soon.

I seem to recall that there was a question last time about whether there
should be a core dev requirement to serve on the board, as otherwise we
end up in a situation where non core devs vote to grant core dev
membership to others or even themselves. This may or may not be
perfectly fine depending on your point of view.

I believe this happened to Simon - but as we expected at the time he
applied and got core dev shortly afterwards (I believe he recused
himself from that vote) and so the situation was resolved that way.

It's also worth noting that the DMB is usually short of nominees when it
comes to board elections, and attendance from quite a few board members
has been very low for the last few years, causing much frustration
amongst applicants when we have not been able to make quorum. Therefore,
from the other side, limiting eligibility has the potential to be

So here's the question: how should we define the set of people who are
eligible for a seat on the developer membership board?

In case this ends up being contentious, I should note that
organisationally I believe this is ultimately a matter for the current
DMB and current TB to decide between themselves. But it seems
appropriate to invite comment from the electorate to help them form an


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