UbuntuStudio flavor status in jeopardy, action needed [Was, Re: [Ubuntu Studio] Cry For Help]

Jeffry Allred jeffryallred at verizon.net
Wed Mar 13 00:08:51 UTC 2019


  We, I in particular do not want to see the demise of UB Studio. I use 
this distro in my recording studio to provide free services to people 
who want to record their songs. There is not a better or more stable 
audio recording OS than UB Studio. I do add KX Studio repos the keep up 
to date with the latest software and falkTX's specialized software. 
(Carla, Catia etc.) I know I am only one voice but Linux needs a 
premiere pro audio distro, let's do what we can to keep this alive. How 
can I help?

Jeffry Allred

Belle Guitarworks

David Danced recording studio

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