Ubuntu Studio (and others) Flavor Status

dev.that.wants.to.remain.private dev.that.wants.to.remain.private at protonmail.com
Tue Mar 12 22:18:00 UTC 2019

This situation is not Ubuntu's fault.
This situation is not the TB's fault.
This situation is partly the fault of the prior dev.
However, fault also lies with everyone else in the project for not bothering to find out what requirements Ubuntu has set so that a release can continue to claim itself as an official flavor.
If that was not done by the dev team, that's their fault.

Ubuntu should not lower its standards because others have failed to adhere to the responsibilities that the project agreed to when becoming an official flavor.

- Is that inconvenient?  Perhaps.

- Will that impact releases of Ubuntu Studio.  Yes, it will.

- Did the Ubuntu Studio team have over two years to rectify this situation?  Yes.

- Did the Ubuntu Studio team make any effort up until recently to understand and follow Ubuntu's standards?  Apparently, No.

- Is Ubuntu Studio's current emergency, an emergency of anyone elses making?  No.

- Should Ubuntu Studio have lost its Flavor status a while ago?  By all appearance, Yes.

- Should Ubuntu lower its standards because a flavor has failed to uphold its end of the agreement?  No

Ubuntu Studio failed to uphold the agreed upon 'contract' for lack of a better word.  Ubuntu Studio got away with this for years, without being held to their agreement.  That they are -now- being held to that standard is not a problem for the TB or Ubuntu as a whole.

High standards exist for a reason -- A) So that Ubuntu can be assured that the Ubuntu brand name continues to reflect quality and reliability. B) So that users can feel secure in using an Ubuntu Flavor.  Lowering those standards to make devs happen who have failed in their duties is not something that should happen.

I have sympathy for the Ubuntu Studio team for the situation they find themselves in.  But flavors SHOULD be held to a high standard if they want to benefit from Ubuntu's public image, mind share, and expectation of quality.

Once an exception is publicly made for this flavor, there will be another call for an exception for another situation.

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