
Marc Deslauriers marc.deslauriers at canonical.com
Tue Jan 13 16:17:25 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-13 11:13 AM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 04:02:47PM +0000, Iain Lane wrote:
>> Hi TB,
>> Full quoting an email from the DMB's private list.
>> tl;dr: Could you please extend the expirations of ~bdrung, ~laney,
>> ~kitterman and ~stgraber to 2014-02-16? We need to elect replacements
>> for these folk, and it works best if we can align it with the meeting
>> schedule.
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 11:13:56AM -0500, Stéphane Graber wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jan 09, 2015 at 06:16:38PM +0000, Iain Lane wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> We need to hold some elections.
>>>>   https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members
>>>> I don't think we have enough time to wait until the next meeting to
>>>> discuss this.
>>>> 2 week nomination period + 2 weeks of voting.
>>>> cal tells me that this is a good timetable
>>>>   Nomination starts 2014-01-11
>>>>   Repeat call 2014-01-18
>>>>   Nomination ends 2014-01-25
>>>>   Voting starts 2014-01-25
>>       v I inserted a week here v
>>>>   Reminder 2014-02-08
>>>>   Voting ends 2014-02-15
>>>>   New members start 2014-02-16
>>>> If not enough nominees on 2014-02-15, extend by 1 or 2 weeks and call
>>>> again, repeat until done.
>>>> With this timetable, we should extend the memberships of the expiring
>>>> members until 2014-02-16, so that we are quorate for the confirmation
>>>> vote. This isn't a meeting week, so we'll need to have one specially.
>>>> Or we could move everything, including the expiry dates, by one week so
>>>> that the end date is 2014-02-23 which is a meeting day.
>>>> Thoughts? I don't mind sending out the usual emails as I've done it
>>>> before and everything is in the u-d-a archives anyway. But if someone
>>>> else wants to then they are welcome to it, preferably someone who isn't
>>>> expiring (that means you bdmurry and xnox).
>>>> Cheers,
>>> Moving everything by one week seems fine to me. If we need to extend
>>> membership anyway, an extra week isn't really a problem :)
>>> So I'd say, let's send an e-mail to the TB with our timetable, ask them
>>> to extend membership to 2014-02-23 to accomodate this and then send out
>>> the call for nominates.
>> OK, Sending this reply to the TB. Thanks. Here's the new timetable.
>> Doesn't need to be 2015-02-23, -16 is enough AFAICS, which is only a two
>> day extension. This is because I messed up the original timings and
>> inserted a week. I also wrote 2014- everywhere when I meant 2015- :).
>> Despite what I said, 2015-02-16 is a meeting date (01-19, 02-02, 02-16)
>> so I think we can basically fit this in with only two more days needed
>> for the expiring members.
>>   Nomination starts 2015-01-19
>>   Repeat call 2015-01-26
>>   Nomination ends 2015-02-02
>>   Voting starts 2015-02-02
>>   Reminder 2015-02-09
>>   Voting ends 2015-02-16 (before meeting)
>>   New members start 2015-02-17
>> If you agree, could you extend the expiry dates of the members who are
>> running out this year to 2014-02-16 please? Assuming it goes smoothly,
>> we'll then be back in touch on that date for you to add the new members.
>>   https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members
>> Cheers,
>> -- 
>> Iain Lane                                  [ iain at orangesquash.org.uk ]
>> Debian Developer                                   [ laney at debian.org ]
>> Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ubuntu.com ]
> I'm obviously happy with the above plan and happy to do the Launchpad
> updates but being on both boards and being one of the affected members,
> I'll only do so once another TB member acks the plan :)

ACK for 2015-02-16.


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