DMB elections

Iain Lane laney at
Tue Jan 28 16:01:46 UTC 2014

Hi TB,

A few DMB members are expiring from the board on 2014-02-12/13.

That's just over two weeks away. Due to slackinosity on our part, we've
not started the election for a replacement yet. The CC's restaffing

Recommends 2 weeks each for nominations and voting. Given that, can we
extend the terms of the remaining members until the end of February? The
alternatives I see are to have the 1+1 week election, or to live with a
smaller DMB for two weeks. We'd still have 4 members but not everybody
is available for every meeting, so decision making (4 votes) would be
more difficult for this short period.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
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