Enable hibernation

Phillip Susi psusi at ubuntu.com
Sat Jan 4 03:08:07 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA512

On 01/03/2014 05:33 PM, Jason DeRose wrote:
> Excuse the top-post, but I wanted to quickly chime in from the OEM 
> perspective on this (System76).
> Suspend is quite difficult to support from an OEM perspective, and 
> personally I'm glad it's not exposed in the UI.

You mean hibernate, not suspend.

> It's a confluence of 3 things that have become problematic:
> 1) Systems with a lot of RAM 2) Systems with a smallish SSD 3)
> What if a customer installs more RAM themselves?

Not much of an issue.  You only need enough free swap to hold used (
not by cache ) ram.  Generally people don't push memory usage so hard
that they go heavily into swap, so they don't have a problem
hibernating, even if they have less swap than ram.

> Anyway, now that we don't need to worry about suspend, System76
> ships its products with a fixed 4 GiB swap partition, regardless of
> what the installed amount of RAM is (or what the maximum
> installable amount of RAM is). We've been doing this since Raring,
> so far without any customer complaints or support issues around
> this choice.

That should be plenty.  Even if people do occasionally use more than 4
GB of ram, they typically don't hibernate while doing so.  Being told
to close one or two memory hogs before you can hibernate isn't a big
deal; certainly better than not being able to do so at all.

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