Fwd: ubuntu-release-nominators will expire soon from ubuntu-drivers

Kate Stewart ubuntukate at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 17:35:30 UTC 2014

Please renew the membersship of ubuntu-release-nominators in

Permission is needed to enable bugs to be tagged to appropriate releases.

Thanks, Kate

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ubuntu Drivers <noreply at launchpad.net>
Date: 27 April 2014 00:16
Subject: ubuntu-release-nominators will expire soon from ubuntu-drivers
To: kate.stewart at linaro.org

Hello Kate Stewart,

On 2014-04-30, 4 days from now, the membership
of Nominate to Ubuntu Release Series (ubuntu-release-nominators) (which you
the owner of) in the Ubuntu Drivers (ubuntu-drivers) Launchpad team
is due to expire.

To prevent this membership from expiring, you should get in touch
with one of the team's administrators:
Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) <https://launchpad.net/~sabdfl>
Ubuntu Technical Board (techboard) <https://launchpad.net/~techboard>

If the membership does expire, we'll send you one more message to let
you know it's happened.

Thanks for using Launchpad!
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