Requiring Core dev membership for TB members

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Sat Oct 26 22:21:24 UTC 2013

On 29/09/13 21:14, Micah Gersten wrote:

> I'd like to propose that there's a requirement for TB members to be
> Ubuntu core developers due to the nature of the responsibilities of the
> TB (Microrelease exceptions, technical policy).  The one exception to
> this would be Mark in his unique position as sabdfl.  I've added this to
> the TB agenda and will endeavor to be at the meeting.

Hi Micah

Thank you for your proposal which triggered some very useful discussion
and consideration.

There's no doubt that the responsibilities of the role call for two
things: first, demonstrated insights and social skills, both qualities
that we would expect to find in members of the Ubuntu development teams,
and second, familiarity with the issues and the time to consider matters
carefully, which again we would expect to find in Ubuntu developer
contributors. So on the face of it, it is a good suggestion.

That said, in discussions we've found some support for the idea that it
would be very healthy to have a participant on the TB who plays a
similar role in Debian even if they are not an Ubuntu developer. I
haven't ever had any nominations or requests for such a person to be
nominated, but I think it would be well received. On the basis of there
being a good example outside the rule you propose, I prefer not to have
a hard rule.

I do want to restate a firm value that anyone on the TB have credible
operational engagements that mean they will feel personally responsible
for their decisions. I will never nominate someone for purely showcase
purposes; there won't be any nominations to the TB of people from
Canonical or Canonical partners who aren't engaged in that way, and if
there were, I would expect developers to express their opinion with the
weight of their votes :)


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