Flavor Review Request of UbuntuKylin

Jack Yu yj_1325 at 163.com
Mon Feb 18 22:08:50 UTC 2013

At 2013-02-19 05:54:44,"Mark Shuttleworth" <mark at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>On 02/18/2013 01:48 PM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
>> Hi! I'm not a member of the Tech Board but I hope you won't mind me
>> asking one question that I've had since the first I've heard of the
>> Ubuntu Kylin project. How does this differ from Ubuntu Chinese
>> Edition? (Although I guess the fact that I'm having trouble finding an
>> official 12.10 release may indicate that the Canonical-sponsored
>> Ubuntu Chinese Edition is no longer being maintained.)
>Hi Jeremy
>Ubuntu Kylin is the successor to the Project Qin work that became the
>Ubuntu Chinese Edition.
>The team behind Kylin are keen to extend Ubuntu to integrate Chinese
>social media, content streams, payment systems, and the like. We agreed
>to support this work and collaborate with the team, to ensure that the
>result can be supportable and installed by OEMs. If this works, we
>imagine government teams in other countries would want to do the same
>thing, and our role is to ensure that quality and consistency and
>security are robust across all flavours of the platform.

That's much clear. Thanks:). We are also trying to contribute Ubuntu projects, besides a Chinese flavor.

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