nvidia/fglrx expedited SRUs

Soren Hansen soren at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 4 13:17:00 UTC 2012

2012/9/4 Bryce Harrington <bryce at canonical.com>:
> 3.  A member of ubuntu-x will boot and smoke-test the driver.  By this
>     point we generally know from the above testing that there aren't
>     major flaws, but this is still a pre-requisite for the SRU process.
>     We check that unity works, check a few effects, possibly run a game
>     or other 3D app.

Can you help me understand what reason we have to believe that their
feedback isn't indicative of real problems?

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Developer    http://www.ubuntu.com/
OpenStack Developer http://www.openstack.org/

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