Micro release exception for Nova, Glance, Horizon, Keystone

Kees Cook kees at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 20 19:57:29 UTC 2012

Hi Chuck,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 05:34:27PM -0400, Chuck Short wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to apply for a micro release exception for Nova, Glance,
> Horizon, and Keystone. These micro releases:
> - Happen from a low volume stable branch reserved for bug fixes.
> - unit tests for each component are run during the package builds and
>   the packages FTBFS if the test suite fail.
> - Dave Walker and Chuck Short are members of the stable release team
>   for the openstack project.
> - Upstream commits are reviewed by the members of the stable release
>   team for the openstack project.
> - Upstream commits are tested before they are added to the upstream
>   stable/essex branch
> - Continous openstack integration is done by the Ubuntu Server team on
>   the stable/essex branch.
> - Each commit is tested automatically by the openstack-ci lab that is
>   hosted by canonical.

Can someone from the SRU team vouch for this package?


Kees Cook

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