Ubuntu Business Remix update

Scott Ritchie scottritchie at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 29 20:26:56 UTC 2012

On 01/29/2012 10:38 AM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 29 January 2012 10:49, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On 25/01/12 17:28, Iain Lane wrote:
>>> Don't get me wrong, partner is a valuable service to its users,
>>> it's just that it is fundamentally different to the Ubuntu
>>> archive as far as I can see. It's a service that Canonical
>>> provides for Ubuntu, sure, but that doesn't make it a part of
>>> Ubuntu itself.
>> Yes, yes, and no. Yes, it is different to the standard Ubuntu
>> archives. Yes, it is a service provided by Canonical. And no, we
>> disagree, it *is* part of Ubuntu. It's a good reason for people to
>> choose Ubuntu, and a good reason to recommend it to friends who
>> want the benefits of a free and open system but who must also, for
>> whatever reason, have access to items that cannot be in the Ubuntu
>> archives.
> Mark, you were surprised that a significant number of developers
> don't consider the partner repository part of Ubuntu. In addition to
> what Laney has pointed out, /etc/apt/sources.list has for years
> said:

Moreover, partner apps are exempt from _everything_ that could be
considered an Ubuntu standard of development: They don't have to comply
with any policy, you don't have to be an Ubuntu Developer to upload
them, you don't have to sign the code of conduct, you can't file bugs
against them in launchpad, and they aren't checked by any automated tool
which monitors the consistency of the archive.

They are one step above downloading .deb files off a third-party web
page, and I don't think we'd like to call that procedure "part of Ubuntu".

Scott Ritchie

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