Ubuntu Business Remix update

Scott Ritchie scott at open-vote.org
Tue Jan 24 11:07:00 UTC 2012

On 01/24/2012 01:41 AM, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> It was a debate as to whether the name
> should be "Canonical Business Desktop" or "Ubuntu Business Desktop", we
> felt the awkwardness of differentiating this from Ubuntu was very high -
> we do not want to be lumped in the same category as "Fedora / RHEL" as
> it is a completely different proposition from both Ubuntu and Canonical.
> There's no legal issue w.r.t. the trademark, both because this is a
> remix (and within guidelines for the use of the name) and because
> Canonical owns the mark in the first place.

Legality aside, I do worry about an increase in Ubuntu-marked things
that are wholly Canonical things.  The Ubuntu project took a lot of
grief for the launch failures of Ubuntu One.

It's the flip side of trying to correct Journalists who write about
"Canonical Linux" - this project is something larger than Canonical, but
we make it increasingly harder to recognize that when we have the two
brands comingle.


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