Harmonizing DMB membership expiring dates

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 20 05:40:52 UTC 2012

Hello Benjamin,

Benjamin Drung [2012-01-09 20:40 +0100]:
> Can these expiring dates be harmonized to have only two votes instead of
> five votes in the next two years?

Yes, I think that makes sense.

> The suggestion is to extend my membership expiration from 2012-11-05 to
> 2013-02-13. Then four members will have their memberships expired on
> 2013-02-13. This will save one vote.
> The second suggestion is to combine the membership expiration dates from
> Micah Gersten, Stefano Rivera, and the two new members that will be
> selected on 2012-02-13. The new expiration date could be between
> 2013-09-12 and 2014-02-13. This will save two votes.

These both make sense to me.

> What do you think? Are we allowed to adjust the membership expiration
> dates?

While it technically does not match the letter of what people voted
on, I can't imagine anyone seriously complaining. Let's not be overly
bureaucratic here, IMHO :-)

Let's see what the other TB members think.



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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