nvidia/fglrx expedited SRUs

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Fri Aug 31 17:47:59 UTC 2012

We currently have a process in place for providing driver updates
in stable releases via the fglrx-updates and nvidia-current-updates
packages, which are updated through our normal SRU processes.

The mechanics of packaging a driver update are pretty much push button
at this point.  Everything is scripted and well documented.  The
ubuntu-x community is able to package new driver updates and get them
into the xorg-edgers and x-updates PPAs within days of their release.
Due to the level of QA done internally at NVIDIA, issues with released
drivers are very unusual.

However, for fglrx-updates and nvidia-current-updates we're finding it
has been taking a considerable amount of time to get these released to
the public.  The SRU process tends to slow us down here, and
understandably so; the driver is closed source so the usual SRU review
processes can't be used.

But I think we can make a slight change which will gain us most of the
benefits without incurring regression risks.  I'd like to propose the
following for your approval:

 A.  Immediately after release we have the same major versions in
     nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates.  In this situation, we
     allow the SRU team to expedite the upload without needing to wait
     for testing in -proposed.

 B.  For subsequent updates, the normal SRU procedures are followed,
     except that the 1 week testing requirement can be reduced or waved
     if a sufficient quantity/breadth of testing has been performed.

This will ensure users have a good alternative driver option soon after
release in case there are any problems.


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