Meeting attendance

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed May 25 04:37:16 UTC 2011

Matt Zimmerman [2011-05-23  8:39 +0100]:
> On a related note, it seems that the calendar is not a very effective way to
> track attendance, since when I mark it as declined I still get an SMS about
> the meeting. :-)

That was probably me, I just sent one at the start of the meeting via
mup, just in case.

> What's the best way to track this so that everyone looks in the same place?

The only place that I always track is email (i. e. the techboard list,
or PM). However, before bothering people further with SMS reminders
I'm happy to check the calendar first next time.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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