MicroReleaseException for Banshee SRUs

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 2 13:36:57 UTC 2011


I would like to request that Banshee be added to the list of packages that are
covered by the micro release exception for SRU uploads, as defined by

Banshee's version has three components: x.y.z. Unstable/beta releases have an
odd y, such as the 1.9.z, and 1.7.z series. Prior to the release of every Ubuntu
version, they will make a stable release, marking the end of the prior unstable
series, such as 1.9.z ending with the 2.0.0 release.

At this point, a git branch, named stable-x.y will be created from the tag for
the new stable series. Development and bug fixes will continue as usual in the
master branch, and bugfixes deemed important and stable enough will be
cherry-picked into the stable-x.y branch. At unspecified intervals (usually
based on the number/importance of the bugfixes), a new stable release will be
made, from this branch, such as the recent 2.0.1 version.

In Ubuntu versions prior to Natty, these microreleases have been uploaded to
-proposed, and verified with a number of Launchpad bugs. I attempted something
similar for Natty, but was pointed to MicroReleaseExceptions instead, so here's
the request.

Additionally, the unstable releases are uploaded to Debian Experimental, and the
stable releass uploaded to Debian Unstable, prior to being merged into Ubuntu.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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