Micro release Exception for Nova, Swift, Glance, and Keystone

Kees Cook kees at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 12 22:02:28 UTC 2011

Hi Chuck,

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 09:52:13AM -0500, Chuck Short wrote:
> I humbly ask for a on-going micro release exception for the openstack
> packages (nova, swift, glance, dashboard, quantum, and keystone) for
> oneiric and for future releases. 

Have SRUs happened for these already? Traditionally, it's better to have a
few successful SRUs go by first before attempting an SRU MRE.

> * regression tests are enabled in the package's build
>   Running the test suite has always been ran when the packages are
>   built, an example is the following:
>   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/2011.3-0ubuntu6/+build/2826798he

This is good; that gives me warm fuzzies. :) That's a lot of tests. Have
you confirmed that failing a test will FTBFS the package?



Kees Cook

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