Request for standing FFe for Chromium

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri May 21 11:05:19 BST 2010

Matt Zimmerman [2010-05-09 12:40 +0200]:
> On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 06:16:58PM -0400, Jorge O. Castro wrote:
> > Hi Tech board!
> > 
> > The Google Chrome team just recently released a new beta, and people
> > have been requesting for the corresponding Chromium build in Ubuntu.
> > fta has explained[1] how the Chrome release process works. At the
> > browser session at the last UDS we decided that Chromium should have
> > the same kind of policy that firefox has, that is the ability to just
> > upload the latest stable however I don't think this was ever finalized
> > by the tech board. I don't know if it was ever proposed, so I am just
> > communicating Fabien's concern since users keep asking him when it
> > will get updated in Lucid and I guess he was under the impression that
> > we would just be putting in the updates as they came from upstream.
> > 
> > At some point we'll also need to switch the package in the archive to
> > follow the -stable channel when that is finished.
> > 
> > [1]
> I think this is a matter for the release team, rather than the tech board.
> Copying some of them.

FWIW, other SRU exceptions were approved by the TB in the past (such
as GNOME, firefox, hal-info, etc.).

But with both my TB and my release hats on I +1 the permanent SRU
approval. We do not have much choice here anyway, the support
situation is even worse than with Firefox. There are only two sensible
options, either we do not ship Chromium at all, or we keep putting the
newest upstream releases into all stables.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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