Brainstorm review

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Dec 7 13:37:09 GMT 2010

The deadline is tomorrow, so please get your posts up and get the URLs to me
soon!  Thanks.

On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 09:36:59AM +0000, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Dear Brainstormers,
> Thanks for agreeing to respond to the user community on behalf of Ubuntu.
> As I mentioned in my email, I'll be publishing a wrap-up on the 8th, so we
> have 7 days left in this exercise.  I wanted to check in and offer my help
> reviewing and proofreading your responses if you would like it.
> Remember, what I need from you is a public write-up of the issue, which
> could be a blog post, mailing list post, or something else suitable, so long
> as it has a URL.  I'll link to all of your responses in my wrap-up, so
> please make sure I have the URLs by the 8th.
> Thanks again for your help.
> -- 
>  - mdz

 - mdz

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