Ubuntu Summit Newsletter - June 22nd, 2023

Jason Nucciarone jason.nucciarone at canonical.com
Fri Jun 23 01:55:41 UTC 2023

Hey folks!

Thank you for subscribing to the Ubuntu Summit mailing list! We will be
using this mailing list to share exciting news as well as important
information pertaining to the summit this year. Now for some updates!


   The deadline for submitting talk abstracts for the 2023 Ubuntu Summit in
   Riga is July 3rd. This means that you have a little over a week left to
   submit your abstract(s). Make sure you get your abstracts(s) submitted in


   Did you notice that “abstracts(s)” in the previous bullet is plural?
   That is because you can submit multiple talk abstracts! You are not just
   limited to one. We want you to submit abstracts for everything that you are
   passionate about.


   Still on the fence about whether or not you want to attend or submit a
   talk abstract to the Ubuntu Summit in Riga this year? Check out this blog
   post with testimonials from attendees who came to the 2022 Ubuntu Summit:


The TL;DR - Everyone had a great time last year!


   Coming up this Saturday, June 24th, representatives from Canonical will
   be hosting a live Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session at 15:00 UTC[0] in the
   Ubuntu Hideout Discord event-stage room. You can use the following
   invitation link to join the Discord server:  https://discord.gg/ubuntu

That is all for now and we'll give some more updates next week. If you have
any questions, please feel free to email us at summit at ubuntu.com and we
will get back to you. Otherwise, have a great weekend everyone, and
hopefully we will see you during the AMA session!


The Ubuntu Summit Organising Committee

[0] 15:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to your local timezone converter
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