Ubuntu Summit Newsletter - July 5th, 2023

Jason Nucciarone jason.nucciarone at canonical.com
Wed Jul 5 14:21:53 UTC 2023

Greetings fellow FOSS enthusiasts!

Exciting news! We are extending the Call for Proposals abstract submission
window for the 2023 Ubuntu Summit. Yes, you read that right! The new
deadline to submit your talk/workshop/panel/lightning talk abstracts
is now July

Why did we decide to extend the abstract submission window? Because the
summit organisers need more time to review all the excellent submissions!
We currently have 100+ submissions with more coming in each day. Some of
our favourite topics so far include:


   Gaming on Linux

   Securing the FOSS supply chain

   High-Performance Computing

   Machine Learning and AI workflow management

   Supporting and engaging with underserved communities

We are impressed by the quality and passion of the abstracts that have been
submitted so far, so we want to give those of you who are either
considering or still working on your abstracts more time to submit.

Are you still on the fence about submitting an abstract or even attending
the Ubuntu Summit? Checkout some of our favourite testimonials from the
2022 Ubuntu Summit below:


   “As a GNOME developer, I felt that the Ubuntu Summit truly acknowledged
   the significance of our collective efforts, along with those of other
   projects, in contributing to Ubuntu’s success. The event provided valuable
   opportunities for cross-project collaboration by fostering an environment
   where developers from different backgrounds could come together, share
   ideas, and work towards common goals.”

~ Felipe Borges – GNOME


   “I had a fantastic time attending Ubuntu Summit 2022. It was wonderful
   to meet so many folks from the community, and deeply engage with them to
   get a wider understanding of the activities in this open source space!
   There were so many opportunities to sign up to give a talk, attend
   workshops, learn, meet others and so much more.”

~ Craig Loewen – Microsoft


   “When I attended the 2022 Ubuntu Summit, I did so from the viewpoint of
   someone who has only been involved in the desktop portion of it. The summit
   opened my eyes to all the ways Ubuntu could be, and has been used. I was
   impressed with the robotics presentations, seeing first-hand how Ubuntu is
   being used to create music and art, and hearing about Ubuntu in ways I
   never thought of in industrial settings – things I don’t think of or
   experience on a day to day basis. Oftentimes, there was a difficult
   decision on which presentation to attend. However, the part I loved most of
   all was seeing the community. There were so many members from all over the
   world, with different projects and goals. Yet, we were all interested in
   the details and success of everybody else, offering help where they could.
   I left with a feeling that despite being involved in different ways, we are
   all in fact the same team.”

~ Sam Lane – Ubuntu Budgie

These were not the only folks who had a great time at the 2022 Ubuntu
Summit, or our only favourite testimonials. Check out this blog post here
for all the great testimonials we collected:

As always, if you have any questions about the 2023 Ubuntu Summit, please
feel free to reach out to summit at ubuntu.com, or connect with our
friends on Ubuntu
Hideout <https://discord.gg/ubuntu>.


The Ubuntu Summit Organising Committee
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