Hi,<br><br>first, sorry for my bad english, I'm french.<br><br>I will try to make a good explain of what I don't understand in Storm.<br><br>I have to catch a storm class in a database according to multiples fields.<br>
My problem is that the number of these fields can be various, it depends to the program user choices.<br><br>I have a string list containing the fields (and their values) I want to make the request with.<br><br>exemple:<br>
list=[<br>"ref"="225654",<br>"name"="dfdfdf",<br>"surname"="mlolm",<br>...<br>]<br><br>I can't do that:<br>result=store.find(Class, Class.ref="225654", Class.name="dfdfdf" ... )<br>
because the fields number is unknown<br><br>What I want to do :<br>result= store.find(Class, list)<br><br>I didn't find the solution on <a href="https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial">https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial</a>, that's why I'm asking you to.<br>
<br>I hope I were clear.<br><br>Thank you very much.<br>