[storm] Is storm still active?

Barry Warsaw barry at canonical.com
Mon Oct 1 14:10:30 UTC 2012

On Oct 01, 2012, at 02:53 PM, daniels wrote:

>I just found out about storm and it looks awesome.  I would like to use it in
>a project and my question is if storm is still active and maintained?  Is is
>stable to be used in production?

I can't answer any of this officially, but Storm *is* very cool, and is used
in production in several projects, including supported ones from Canonical,
and in my own free software GNU Mailman project.

The one thing I would love to see, but probably don't have much time to work
on any time soon, is Python 3 support.  When it comes to porting Mailman 3 to
Python 3, if that's the only blocker, then I'll either help work on the port
or look for a replacement.


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