[storm] ETA for 0.19?

Thomas Hervé thomas.herve at canonical.com
Thu Sep 29 15:21:07 UTC 2011

Le 25/09/2011 23:55, Barry Warsaw a écrit :
> Note that I've moved all the non-Fix Committed bugs milestoned to 0.19 to
> 0.20, except the following.  673666 is marked as high/confirmed and is
> assigned to Thomas.  The others are In Progress, with 617182 assigned to Jamu,
> and the others assigned to James.  I doubt Jamu will do much on that bug until
> he's done climbing mountains. :)
> Could Thomas and James please comment on these and/or reassign them to 0.20?
> Once that's done, I'll try again to do an 0.19 release.
> #673666	KeyError with store._order[pair]
> #854787	Storm Django layer does not correctly capture disconnection errors
>         when using PostgreSQL backend 
> #181905	IndirectReferenceSet.find().something() produces non-working queries
> #322972	It should be possible to create queries with 'FROM table1 USING
>         table2' syntax 
> #617182	A context manager to block database access would be useful


Thanks for working on this Barry!

I moved all the mentioned bug, except the one in progress from James
which seems might be fixed soon. I also added you on pypi.

Let me know if I can do anything to help.

Thomas <resending as it was lost somehow>

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