[storm] Getting changes applied to an object to build an history

Vincent Alquier vincent.alquier at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 09:41:52 UTC 2011

Thanks a lot for your answers, this clarify many things to me.


2011/10/31 James Henstridge <james at jamesh.id.au>:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Vincent Alquier
> <vincent.alquier at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for your answer, and thanks for pointing out the problems I
>> could meet recording changes with Storm.
>> 2011/10/27 James Henstridge <james at jamesh.id.au>:
>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Vincent Alquier
>>> <vincent.alquier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> First of all, sorry for my approximate english...
>>>> For a project I am currently working on, I am trying to migrate from a
>>>> homemade ORM to storm. One of my needs is to get all changes applied
>>>> to an object on flush. The goal is to fill an history table with any
>>>> changes.
>>>> Is it safe to call Store._get_changes_map into the __storm_pre_flush__
>>>> hook ? And then, to save the changes into the __storm_flushed__ hook ?
>>> The underscore at the start of the _get_changes_map() method indicates
>>> that the method is private, so it would be better to find some other
>>> method to do what you want.
>> I understand this is not recommended at all to use a private method
>> outside its context. What I did is a bit better, but not recommended
>> neither : I did override the _get_changes_map method to notify me of
>> changes. This solution is very vulnerable to changes in Storm.
>> class MyOwnStore(storm.store.Store):
>>    [...]
>>    def _get_changes_map(self, obj_info, adding=False):
>>        changes = super(Store, self)._get_changes_map(obj_info, adding)
>>        self.changeManager.notify(obj_info, changes)
>>        return changes
> I would strongly suggest against using this method, as mentioned earlier.
>>> One thing to keep in mind is that it is possible to make changes in
>>> Storm that won't trigger these flush hooks, such as through the
>>> ResultSet.set() method (which generally corresponds to an UPDATE
>>> statement acting on rows that may or may not have Python
>>> representations), so if you require all changes to be recorded, you
>>> might be best off going with database level triggers.
>> Database triggers are massively used in my project, but can't cover my
>> needs on this specific case.
> Fair enough.
>>> If you can't use triggers, and are not going to use the bulk update
>>> operations Storm provides, then perhaps the validator feature might
>>> cover your needs?  If you attach a validator to a property it will be
>>> called each time there is a change, so you could use that to record
>>> which fields have been changed.
>> I didn't look at the validator feature. Thanks for the tip, it looks promising !
> Here is a quick run-down:
> 1. a validator function is passed three arguments: a storm object, the
> property name and the new value.
> 2. if the validator raises an exception, then the property will not be changed.
> 3. the validator returns the value that the property will be set to.
> This lets the validator alter the value if necessary.
> So it would be pretty easy to write a single validator function that
> could record changes to arbitrary properties on a class, and then
> apply it to the properties you want to capture changes to.
>> Another point,
>> I am a bit confused with the event mechanism. It looks like it have
>> been thought for internal Storm needs, more than as a user feature.
>> Some examples :
>>  - store._event is private but not the obj_info.event.
> The ObjectInfo structures are internal to Storm, rather than being a
> public part of the API.  Since it is an internal API, there is less
> reason to hide it (also, that attribute makes up part of the interface
> of the ObjectInfo class).
> If you are writing new variable classes there is a slight chance you
> might end up dealing with the event system, but in many cases you
> won't even run into it then.
>>  - An event is emitted on "global store flush start", then on any "one
>> flushed". Why not on "one flush start" and on "global store flushed" ?
> Most property types have immutable values (e.g. strings, integers,
> etc).  The only way to change such properties is to assign to them,
> which is easy to track.  However, we also support some property types
> with mutable values.  Since it is possible to change these values
> without assigning to the property, those values need to be manually
> inspected for changes when it comes time to flush changes to the
> database.  The global pre-flush event is used to trigger such checks.
> Some values in objects (such as database assigned object IDs) will not
> be visible until the object is flushed.  The individual object
> post-flush event is used to handle this case (e.g. a Reference object
> can fill in a property on a related object once the object is
> flushed).
>>  - The __storm_flushed__ hook looks redundant with the "flushed" event.
> The __storm_flushed__() method is a public API of Storm.  The event
> system is not.
> James.

Vincent Alquier
vincent.alquier at gmail.com

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