[storm] Profiling project: instrumenting find()

Jeroen Vermeulen jtv at canonical.com
Thu Jun 30 17:20:59 UTC 2011

Hi folks,

Here's my next stumbling block for the access-pattern profiling project.

When you follow a reference and that causes Storm to load another object 
from the database, the profiler will need to record the details.  There 
are two ways in which Reference can load the other object:

1. If the reference refers to a primary key, it uses Store.get.

2. Otherwise it uses Store.find.

When the Reference does a "get," I can make it pass an extra argument to 
tell the profiler "this is actually following a reference from another 
object, and here are the details."  That works pretty well.

But what do I do when it uses "find"?  I have to tell the method that 
it's following a reference, or it will be counted double as a regular 
free-form query as well.

I can't just add a keyword argument because "find" accepts arbitrary 
**kwargs.  This is a feature to let us do things like Store.find(Person, 

I can think of two things to do about this:

(a) Create a separate, less flexible version of find() for this.

(b) Poke the profiling information in the Result that comes out.

Are there any other ways?  My worry with (a) is that dynamism makes it 
hard to see exactly what I'm affecting.  And (b) involves a lot of 
bookkeeping that it would be nice to avoid.

So far my preference is (a).


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