[storm] Profiling project: instrumenting find()

Bozo Dragojevic bozo.dragojevic at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 08:03:45 UTC 2011

Jeroen Vermeulen <jtv at ...> writes:


> I can think of two things to do about this:
> (a) Create a separate, less flexible version of find() for this.
> (b) Poke the profiling information in the Result that comes out.
> Are there any other ways?  

(c) create a marker class for the first argument to find

  >>> class ReferenceLoad(tuple):
  ...   __slots__ = ()
  >>> class MyStorm(object):
  ...   pass
  >>> a=ReferenceLoad((MyStorm,))
  >>> a
  (<class '__main__.MyStorm'>,)
  >>> a[0]
  <class '__main__.MyStorm'>
  >>> isinstance(a,ReferenceLoad)


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