[storm] Problem with EXISTS clause

Edoardo Serra edoardo at serra.to.it
Mon Sep 27 17:07:27 BST 2010

Hi guys,
	I have some problems in building a query using the EXISTS clause.

I have two tables:

CREATE TABLE accounts (
    id serial NOT NULL,
    legal_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    address_1 character varying(255),

CREATE TABLE subscriptions (
    id serial NOT NULL,
    account_id integer NOT NULL,
    date_start date NOT NULL,

I would like to know how many accounts are not subscribed to any service.

The SQL query to get that should be:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subscriptions.account_id = accounts.id)

I tried the following python code

accounts = store.find(Account,

but it gets translated to the following SQL:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT subscriptions.id FROM accounts, subscriptions WHERE subscriptions.account_id = accounts.id)

which does not give me the expected result, the accounts table should be removed from the FROM clause in the subquery.

Any suggestion?

I'm using Storm, I could upgrade if necessary, but I did not find anything relevant in the changelog.
My database server is PostgreSQL 8.3.11.

Tnx in advance

Edoardo Serra

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