[storm] Storm 0.18 is out!
Jamu Kakar
jkakar at kakar.ca
Tue Oct 26 22:53:08 BST 2010
Hi Gary,
*Big kudos* to you for taking on the task of releasing this version of
Storm, thanks a lot for stepping up and making this release happen!
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Gary Poster <gary.poster at canonical.com> wrote:
> The Storm team is proud to announce Storm 0.18!
> The new release includes a number of new features:
> * Storm includes (optional) code to manage and migrate database schemas
> * storm.zope.testing added testresources
> (https://edge.launchpad.net/testresources) support
> * TimeoutErrors include messages to describe why the Timeout was raised
> This release includes official packages for all supported releases
> of Ubuntu except 10.10. 10.10 packages will be added after problems with
> Storm's release machinery are sorted out. The packages are available in the
> Storm team's PPA:
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~storm/+archive/ppa
> You can find the release files at:
> https://launchpad.net/storm/+download
> You can always get the latest source code from Launchpad:
> bzr branch lp:storm
> Finally, you can join us in the #storm channel on irc.freenode.net
> and on the Storm mailing list:
> https://lists.canonical.com/mailman/listinfo/storm
> Read on for more...
> Code to manage and migrate database schemas
> -------------------------------------------
> The new ``storm.schema`` package includes a generalized version of the code
> used by the Landscape team for their schemas.
> The ``Schema`` class can be used to ``create``, ``drop``, ``delete`` and
> ``upgrade`` database schemas. A ``Store`` may have a single schema. The
> schema is defined by the series of SQL statements that should be used to
> create, drop and clear the schema, respectively; and by a patch package used
> to upgrade it.
> A patch package is simply a Python package that contains files for each patch
> level in the series. Each file must be named ``patch_N.py``, where ``N`` is
> the numeric version of the patch in the series (using ascending natural
> numbers). The patch files must define an ``apply`` callable taking a
> ``Store`` instance as its only argument. This will be called when the patch
> gets applied.
> Here's an example, where ``patch_package`` is a Python module
> containing database patches used to upgrade the schema over time, and
> ``store`` is a Storm ``Store``:
>>>> from storm.schema import Schema
>>>> creates = ['CREATE TABLE person (id INTEGER, name TEXT)']
>>>> drops = ['DROP TABLE person']
>>>> deletes = ['DELETE FROM person']
>>>> import patch_package
>>>> schema = Schema(creates, drops, deletes, patch_package)
>>>> schema.upgrade(store)
> While you can use the schema's ``create`` method separately, ``upgrade`` is
> sufficient alone. It will create the schema if it does not exist, and
> otherwise will run unapplyed patches to an existing schema. Note that this
> approach therefore expects the "creates" SQL (that is, the second line of the
> example above) to be maintained alongside patches--it should be *equivalent*
> to running all patches.
> storm.zope.testing added testresources support
> ----------------------------------------------
> If you would like to use testresources
> (https://edge.launchpad.net/testresources) with your Storm tests, a
> storm.zope.testing.ZStormResourceManager class to manage a set of stores
> registered with ZStorm is now available. It can be used roughly like this::
> from testresources import ResourcedTestCase
> from storm.zope.testing import ZStormResourceManager
> from storm.schema import Schema
> name = "test"
> uri = "sqlite:"
> schema = Schema(...)
> manager = ZStormResourceManager({name: (uri, schema)})
> class MyTest(ResourcedTestCase):
> resources = [("zstorm", manager)]
> def test_stuff(self):
> store = self.zstorm.get("test")
> store.execute(...)
> Comparable expressions (such as Column and Alias) provide new
> startswith(), endswith() and contains_string() methods. These
> methods perform prefix, suffix and substring comparisons using LIKE.
> Strings used with these methods are automatically escaped.
> Detailed changelog
> ------------------
> Improvements
> ------------
> - Include code to manage and migrate database schemas. See the
> storm.schema sub-package (bug #250412).
> - Added a storm.zope.testing.ZStormResourceManager class to manage a
> set of stores registered with ZStorm (bug #618704).
> - When a TimeoutError is raised it includes a description about why
> the exception was raised, to help make it easier to reason about
> timeout-related issues (bug #617973).
> - Improved the IResultSet interface to document the rationale of why some
> attributes are not included (bug #659883).
> Bug fixes
> ---------
> - Make storm compatible with psycopg2 2.2 (bug #585704).
> - Fix bug #620615, which caused lazy expressions to cause subsequent
> loading of objects to explode if unflushed.
> - Fix bug #620508, which caused slicing a ResultSet to break subsequent
> count() calls.
> - Fix bug #659708, correcting the behavior of the sqlobject is_empty
> and __nonzero__ methods.
> - Fix bug #619017, which caused __storm_loaded__ to be called without
> its object's variables defined if the object were in the alive cache but
> disappeared.
> --
> storm mailing list
> storm at lists.canonical.com
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