[storm] Tuple property: immutable version of List

Dan Halbert halbert at halwitz.org
Tue May 18 15:11:33 BST 2010

I use PostgreSQL ARRAY[] types with Storm, but ran into performance issues with the List property that corresponds to ARRAY[]. Cached Lists need to be checked for changes on flush(), and if there are many Lists that are cached, it can take a long time.

I have added a similar property, Tuple, to Storm to be used instead of List. A Tuple is immutable and does not need to be checked on flush(). I hope this is useful enough to be incorporated into Storm.

I have uploaded a branch and submitted an enhancement bug for review per the (very clear - thanks) DevelopmentProcedure wiki page. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/storm/+bug/582256. The branch was taken from the trunk as of yesterday.

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