[storm] What about MondoDB?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Mar 8 14:10:51 GMT 2010

Hi Eduardo,

> Good. You may say: "open source code is out there to be contributed
> to, so contribute to it". Yes. And here is my proposal, I can try, but
> I'll need help. And I won't try it unless storm-team allow me to try
> it, since I'm not a powerful programmer I'm not able try it alone, but
> here I am.

I'm curious about the outcome of this.  I don't have enough knowledge
about MongoDB at this point to tell you how well the abstractions in
Storm will work with it, but we can certainly try to help you with
specific issues, and I will personally be curious about the outcome of
your experiment.  Even if it turns out to not be a great fit, the
analysis will be worth having.

> from brazil.campo_grande import ThankYou

De nada! :-)

Gustavo Niemeyer

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