[storm] Storm and Python 3.x series.

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 23:59:09 BST 2010

On Wed, 2010-07-28 at 17:36 +0100, Jamu Kakar wrote:
> > Followup question:
> >   If I make adodbapi run on Linux (would require IronPython and
> Mono) would
> > you be more likely to accept the patches?
> I think we'd consider adopting adodbabi as an alternative, but not
> as a replacement for the existing native drivers.  Storm not running
> on linux with CPython is a blocker, as far as I'm concerned.

+1, for me the total show-stopper would be mono, anyway.

[Thanks to Jamu for the quick answer to my original question, BTW!]

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