[storm] How to define two Storm tables that reference each other

Brad Allen ballen at zeomega.com
Mon Feb 1 16:22:27 GMT 2010

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Fernando Correa Neto <fcdoth at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think that quoting the table fields would solve the problem.

Right; Alec,  you will also need to inherit from the Storm base class
tosupport the quoted references. It should look like this:

class Article(Storm):
      This is a Storm table: articles
      __storm_table__ = "articles"
      id_ = Int(primary=True)
      url_id = Unicode()
      title = Unicode()
      tags = Unicode()
      author = Unicode()
      timestamp = Unicode()
      content = Unicode()
      comments = ReferenceSet(id_, 'Comment.article_id')
      comment_count = len(comments)
      ip = Unicode()
      active = Int()

class Comment(Storm):
      This is a Storm table: articles
      __storm_table__ = "comments"
      id_ = Int(primary=True)
      author = Unicode()
      article_id = Int()
      article = Reference(article_id, 'Article.id_')
      thread_id = Int()
      timestamp = Unicode()
      email = Unicode()
      website = Unicode()
      text = Unicode()

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