[storm] problem with many to one relationship

Berend De Schouwer berend.deschouwer at ucs-software.co.za
Mon Sep 21 08:39:19 BST 2009

James Henstridge wrote:
> I can offer two work arounds you can use in the meantime:
> 1. don't use your database's reserved words as table or column names.
> 2. add the following code to your program:
>     import storm.databases.mysql
>     storm.databases.mysql.compile.add_reserved_words("release")

I suffered through this just last week, and after much headscratching I
found out I needed to do compile.add_reserved_words(["release"]) instead
of compile.add_reserved_words("release")

Use it, don't use it.

PS. Storm 0.13.

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