[storm] Querying using a 'where' condition that referes to a Reference. How to?

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 18:45:26 BST 2009

Hello everybody,

	sorry to ask something that maybe has been asked already, but I am
struggling a bit to find my way alone with the limited documentation

SAMPLE SITUATION (pseudocode):

        table "authors"
          name = ...
          country = ...
        table "books"
          title = ...
          author = Reference("authors")


I would like to select all the books written by authors from a given
country. I believed it would be possible to do:

store.find(Books, Books.author.country == 'mycountry')

but this doesn't work. Which is the "storm-correct" way of doing this?
[I thought about the join syntax and I found this:
but unluckily that is undocumented]

Any advice?
Thank you in advance for your time,

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