[storm] Circular reference in defining References.

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 13:14:48 BST 2009


	I'm experiencing some troubles in defining a Reference from a table to
another and - simultaneously - a ReferenceSet for the other way around

	Using the terminology and examples from the tutorial for clarity, the
problem is that I cannot include line #1 in the Employee class
definition unless I have previously defined the class "Company", but I
can't include #2 in the Company class definition unless I have defined
the class "Employee" first.

1. Employee.company = Reference(Employee.company_id, Company.id)
2. Company.employees = ReferenceSet(Company.id, Employee.company_id)

Working around this is quite easy (wrapping #1 and #2 into their
respective __init__ methods, for example), but I would like a word of
advice on what is the most elegant and clean solution, as each work
around has its downsides.

Many thanks in advance,

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