[storm] proposal for improvement

Thomas K. canonical at sce-gbr.de
Fri May 22 10:14:50 BST 2009


my task was, to find a solution to create tables automatically from a
table class, but not to change to much gearswheels. (cars don't like it
... ;-) )

So my solution is to have only one change in Variable class, which
dosn't change the normal behavior, but helps me, to introduce some
special keyword parameters. So, for example, I can introduce a colNull
keyword parameter to create the right create statement later. And for
the creation of tables I use a extended Store class, which makes all
other stuff.

For me, it would be nice to have this change in Variable class in normal
storm releases. So I havn't to patch the distribution packages for my
installation. But, if there's a interest, I can send the whole solution.
Of course, it's right not a bullet proofed solution, it's alpha stage. I
use it only for sqlite an mysql and it will not solve all thinkable
requests, but, maybe, it's a starting point.

So, the question is, where to send what, if there is interest?

cu, Thomas

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