[storm] Storm sprint at PyCon 2009?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Mar 16 02:36:47 GMT 2009

Hello Brad,

> I haven't yet decided what PyCon sprint to participate in this year.
> My first choice would be to do something with Storm but I don't know
> if anyone else will be interested.

That does sound pretty interesting.  It's unfortunate that I won't be
in PyCon this year, but what we can try to do is organizing an online
marathon to pair remotely with people sprint in Storm in PyCon, if
there is enough interest.

> I could lead a sprint on enhancing the MS SQL backend for Storm,
> though some of the interested parties (Vernon and Sidnei) have
> indicated they won't be present. Regardless we could make some
> progress on that front if anyone else is interested.  I can think of
> quite a few tasks and issues that need to be resolved.
> Other ideas:
>    * Add backend-specific modules to Storm to allow persisting Storm
> objects to files which then can be bulk inserted into a db.
> (Requires db introspection so has to be db-specific)
>    * Adding more clear error messages Variable classes (to indicate
> which table/column the error comes from)
>    * Perfomance tuning (this seems like a need but I don't know C so
> I could only work on the Python portions)

There are quite a few interesting ideas in the TODO file, and on
Launchpad too.  We can definitely pick a few things which could be
worked on.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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