[storm] ReferenceSets And MI

Boris Arloff boris.arloff at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 23 07:27:37 BST 2009

I am experimenting with storm for a personal project. So far it seems to be a great implementation.  I have just completed the tutorial with modifications for multi-inheritance.
I ran into a problem however with the type Accountant using ReferenceSets yielding:
  RuntimeError: Reference used in an unknown class
when the class subclasses both Storm and another class People.  When changed to only subclass from Storm it works correctly.
I have attached the module that implements the problematic code (the MI subclassing for class Accountant is commented out and replaced with SI statements).  I have also attached the sqlite database used, plus a summary of the execution results (MI and SI) as text file.
Hope that someone can shed some light on this issue.  I apologize ahead if there is some trivial error in my MI implementation.  I went thru the code several times and don't see any problems.  Actually everything works fine until the defined relationship "companies" is referenced.
MI is also used with the Employee class, subclassing the same way as intended with Accountant.  The Employee class works fine, however there are no ReferenceSet declarations in Employee.

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