[storm] Beginner question: adding referenced objects to store

Michael Bayer mike_mp at zzzcomputing.com
Wed Jul 1 20:14:48 BST 2009

Neil de Carteret wrote:
> Thanks James. Bug duly filed.
> I had read the tutorial, but I was hoping for a quick way to clear and
> set all the related doodads at once, and tripped up because assigning
> a sequence directly does work in another well-known Python ORM ;)

If that other ORM is SQLAlchemy, this is not accurate.  Our default
collection type is a list whereas with Storm's ReferenceSet, its a set. 
If you set the collection_class to "set" on a SQLA relation(), assigning a
list to that attribute on an instance will raise the exception "TypeError:
Incompatible collection type: list is not set-like" - so we are
maintaining strong typing wrt attribute assignment.

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